Sunday, February 13, 2011

Fun with friends!

Yesterday (Saturday 2/12), our friends Luke & Charity stopped by for a quick visit. Their sons, Wrangall (4 years) and Stryder (2 years) were excited to play with Kaden. The boys had a blast together playing and eating lunch. Kaden LOVES being around other kids his age! And he LOVES playing!!!!

playing choo choos.

it is times like these, it is super nice to have 3 riding toys in the house! the boys loved riding around! now sharing them...that part was harder. :0)

eating breakfast for lunch is the best! wrangall gets the award for eating the most!


I had forgotten how fun it is to play with playdough! It is Kaden's new found love! We had a blast making lots of snakes and pretend food for us to pretend eat. Kaden also liked "cutting" the playdough with his tool & making bracelets to wear (those didn't hold up long.)

A week in review

Hard to believe that it is already nearly mid February!!! Life is busy here and I posted some pics from the last two weeks below.
Kaden and I built a "tent" inside. He loved playing in it!! It also had to be rebuilt about a million times!!! 2 year olds are rough on my limited construction skills!
Noah is learning how to hold his big ol' head up. He is sitting in the bumbo a bit these days, but hasn't got quite enough neck strength to sit in it often or or long periods of time. He is growing up quick though!
Kaden made a lot of valentines for his friends and our family this past month. He had a blast coloring and putting LOTS and LOTS of stickers on all the valentines.
After a long day at work for mama & daddy, we had a fun jam session with daddy and his guitar. Noah was sound asleep in no time!