Friday, November 23, 2007


We had a wonderful thanksgiving! I was supposed to work yesterday but we had a low census so I got overstaffed. Jon and I slept in and then got our baking/cooking underway. Jon made a ham, marinated with maple syrup and brown sugar. It turned out great!!

I made a spinach/stuffing/chicken dish, pumpkin pies, a chocolate pie and turkey cookies. What are turkey cookies, you might ask? Imagine if you will. A round sugar cookie (delish!) with icing on the top part, with little candy corns on it. Then, a bit of icing on another candy corn right in the center. The top candy makes the feathers and the single candy corn makes the mouth/beak, etc. They were so cute and very yummy. And the youth group kids and my neices loved them!! (pictures to come!)

Today, I'm working. It is actually steady but my second patient will be leaving soon. So then I will be patient-less. But I'm sure an admission is coming from the ER before we know it. I think I'm going to work on our Xmas list and Xmas card list and maybe start our first official Xmas newsletter...

...Oh and tonight, I'm hoping to get my hubby to take me to the movies!!

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