Well my folks have come and gone without me blogging once! I guess that tells ya that we stayed busy. My parents came in on the 5th and just left on the 11th. They are home safe and we had a wonderful visit! It was in the 40s and melty while they were here and this morning, it is 10 above and snowing. It seems that winter is back after a week of springlike weather.
During our visit, we did some great things! We ate out A LOT! But it was quite a treat! We drove down to Valdez and saw moose, lynx and eagles. We saw rain, snow and much wind on the top of Thompson pass. The mountains were beautiful along the drive too. We had a lovely breakfast with Daisy and Anthony while we were in Glennallen and church on Sunday was good. We also took a trip out to Chena Hot Springs, which was fun. It was weird to be outside in a bathing suit when there is snow on the ground!! :0)
My dad found his new favorite shopping place, Sportsman Wearhouse. He spent hours narrowing down his perfect purchase. He got some camo hunting gear mostly, I think. We did some more shopping downtown, which my mom got to find some jewelry to take home. And some souveniers for my sisters and the grandbaby.
Pictures to come soon! I'm working today (hoping for a quiet day) and then we head to Anchorage tomorrow through Sunday for the Youth Evangelism Conference with the youth group.
Praises: great visit with the folks, safe travel
Prayer Requests: jon's job, our family, travel to anchorage this weekend, YEC, good weather!