Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Christmas Time

Well, we finally got our Christmas picture taken! Having a kiddo around makes what was once a simple task become not so simple. But Kaden did a great job! You can see he was happy and smiling. And there is a pic of our Christmas tree, which turned out great too. I have most of the Christmas presents wrapped now, with about 10 boxes to be shipped to the lower 48 later today. And then, I will finish up the rest and get the rest of the goodies for the AK folks. Also on my list of "to dos," is our Christmas letter to go in our Christmas cards, which should hopefully go out before the weekend. Maybe they will even make it to all the folks down south by Xmas. If not, it will be close. :0) We tried!

Mama and Kaden, he was a happy boy!

Our Christmas picture, us three in front of the tree

Daddy and his little man

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