Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Home Sweet Home!

Well after a wonderful visit to Virginia, we are finally home! We had an awesome trip and it was great to see so many friends and family. We had safe flights and no traveling problems. Kaden even flirted with a ticket agent and we didn't have to pay the fee for our overweight luggage! It was 5 degrees in Fairbanks when we landed last night. Welcome back to the coooold winter in AK. A longer update later cuz dinner is in the oven. But here are a few pics!!

me and jon on a date at braley pond, one of my most favorite places in va

me, jon and my sisters at our open house in pa

cousins!! kaden and brady!

me, kaden and his great-grandparents, mom & pap sites


Jess said...

Erika, Check out who I found . . .
Glad you had a great trip! Love ya!

Anonymous said...

First family Vacation! How exciting! Welcome home! Thanks so much for letting Matt stary there, it was a real Blessing!

Love the new pictures! Kaden is getting so big already! You look great! Being a Mommy looks good on you!!! Love ya!