Monday, March 23, 2009

Glenallen Visit

We had a great weekend!! But it is good to be home. Jon took off work early on Friday and we drove down to Glennallen to visit our friends, Daisy and Anthony. Their son, Caleb is almost exactly 1 month older than Kaden. We had a great dinner Friday night with them and some friends, Don & Millie. Saturday, Jon and Anthony went snow machining together up in the mountains (pictures to come!) and us ladies hung out at the house and visited. Our friend, Steph and her two kiddos came over and we had lunch. Then, us and the boys went for a walk down to the river. Caleb is used to his daily walk outside and did great. Kaden didn't love the 8 degree weather and mama's snuggly that he had to ride in. But we did have fun and overall, he did great!! After lunch on Sunday, we visited with Jon's friend and roommate from bible college, Bob. We had a good drive home and saw 6 moose. We are thankful that the Lord protected us from sliding on the ice or hitting any mooseys.

Here are some of the pics from our weekend. More to come!!!
Daisy and Caleb on our walk.
Kaden and me on our walk.
Caleb and Kaden playing together.
aren't they cuties in their bibs??
kaden trying out caleb's "johnny jumper." he didn't jump much but he liked just "hanging around." haha

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