Sunday, May 30, 2010

Long awaited update!

So we haven't had computer access for a few weeks now. Not much in the way of updates via the blog. But finally got a few minutes to update.

We are spending the weekend in Glennallen visiting friends. We went hiking at Liberty Falls yesterday, which was a bunch of fun. Very hott for all of us cuz it was over 80 degrees. I thought this was supposed to be Alaska!!! We had a cookout at Kenny Lake and all slept well last night after our busy today. Jon has Monday off so we are spending a long weekend here, not leaving until tomorrow. Hopefully I can get some pictures uploaded to share before we head out.

We moved out of our townhouse in Fairbanks this past week. Cleaning up and moving are two of my MOST least favorite things to do. We finished up late on Friday afternoon but passed our landlord inspection without many problems. We are living all over this summer, but starting this next week by staying in the cabin on Jon's folks land in Salcha. There is no water or electricity so we are having to be a bit creative! But we are up for the challenge!!!

We leave for a trip to Virginia and the Outer Banks, NC on June 11th. We can't wait to see family and get some time away.

Kaden is growing up too fast. He is 19 months now and talking up a storm. His new words are Noah, buffalo, tow truck & please. Our pregnancy continues to go well too. We are 18 weeks now, working on finishing up our 5th month. The new baby should arrive in early November. We will know in early July if it will be a brother or sister for Kaden to play with. So exciting!!

My job continues to go well. I am no longer working nightshifts but only dayshifts, which has been a welcome adjustment. Kaden goes to daycare while I work and sometimes spends the days with Grandma Grant. He loves making projects at school and we get are getting good reports of his days there. Jon's job is also going well, just having finished up a long week of overtime two weeks ago for a war exercise on the AFB where he works. His position is temporary and runs out in July, so we are praying that his year extension comes through so he can continue to work this job until next summer. Until we know, we are just going with the flow!

Continue to keep us in your prayers! Requests: Jon's job, pregnancy, travel in June, dry cabin living, safety on the roads.

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