Spring has finally arrived to Alaska. It seems like forever since it has been "green" outside, but the leaves are on the trees now. And I planted some flowers this week. Jon and I have been loving being outside, hiking in Tok two weekends ago and we are planning on going fishing this weekend. Hope I get a big one!!
...me and jon before we went hiking. can you tell it was chilly out??
...luke, wrangall and charity before we started hiking...
Our little baby is growing inside of me. We will be 20 weeks on Sunday, which makes us 1/2 way through the pregnancy. Can you believe it? We have heard the heartbeat on several occasions, and the doctor always says that it sounds strong. We have an ultrasound on June 16th, which will be the highlight of this month. And the doctor says I should be able to feel the baby any day now! I wish he would kick me harder so Jon and I could both feel it. It will just take some more time, which will be okay with me.
Some good news! We are planning a late July visit home to Virginia. It will be way too short but I am excited to see my grandparents, my newphew Brady (who turns 1 at the end of this month, can you believe it!) and my family. Oh and all my friends too! It has only been since December since we've been home, but it's been too long already :0)
Another bit of news, we have spent the last two weeks moving from our place in North Pole to our new place in Fairbanks (hence, the lack of updates). We are living in a townhouse in Fairbanks, only 5 minutes from where we both work and close to all the great things in life, like Walmart and Starbucks. I have yet to finish unpacking or get it feeling like "home" but it is a great new space and we are really enjoying it.
Other than that, life goes on. We are both liking our jobs, keeping us each busy. Jon is asst. coaching the church softball team so he is playing games about twice a week. I am there cheering and trying to survive the mosquitos! We took a break from weekly youth group this summer, opting for a bi-monthly activity schedule instead. It should be a welcome break for us to get some travling done and give us extra time to be outside and together...before we are a family of THREE this fall.
Thanks for all the prayers! Our main prayer concern is the pregnancy. It has been going well but we want our little one to come safely in October. Also, if you think of it, I will be off work for three months after the baby is born so pray that we can make wise financial decisions even now, preparing to be a one-income family for awhile. Miss you all!!!!!!!
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