Saturday, November 29, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Well Kaden didn't arrive in time for Halloween, but we are THANKFUL that he was here in time for Thanksgiving!! We are all doing well and sorry for the long time between updates. Thanks for all the prayers!! We are home and doing well. We had a wonderful visit with my mom, who was up visiting for ten days. She left Monday, which was sad for all of us. But we are looking forward to seeing her soon in January, as we are traveling to Virginia for a long visit.

I have been enjoying my days off and time alone with Kaden. He eats great and is awake more and more. I like when he sleeps though because then it is nap time for me!! He is growing well. Born at 8lbs, 1 oz, he got down to 7 lbs, 5 oz. At our last weight check on Wednesday, he was 8 lbs, 6 oz. Growing great!! His umbilical cord fell off finally and he no longer has any yellow on his skin or in his eyes, so the jaundice is gone. And he is pooping like a champ!

Speaking of which, below was his Thanksgiving outfit. About 5 minutes before we left for Thanksgiving dinner at Jon's sister's house, Kaden filled his diaper with a poop that also ruined his onesie, his thanksgiving top and his pants. Woah!! What a boy!!

Daddy and Kaden on Thanksgiving Day

It says, "I'm Stuffed."

A proud grandma, my mom

The entire family. Kaden is 2 weeks old in his picture.

I love being a mom!!!

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