Does it always seem like I'm at work?? It does to me! I'm back here today and it has been a good day. Yesterday I got to leave about 30 minutes early and that was great! We had Subway for dinner and then cleaned up the house. Saturday, we are having the youth girls over for a "Girls Night Out." We will probably do a movie and dinner out and maybe a movie in and games and silly girl stuff. I should pick up some pedicure stuff and face masks. They love that stuff!!
I think I mentioned but Jon is preaching on Sunday. So we are excited about that!! Then I'm working Sun afternoon, Mon and Tuesdays and Wednesday my folks get here!!! Woo hoo! I am SOOO excited to see them! We have a busy few days planned while they are here. This weekend is gonna draggg by and then when they are here, time will flyy!!! Funny how it works that way!!!!
We are taking the youth to the Youth Evangelism Conference (YEC) in Anchorage on March 14-16th and they are so excited! I'm working out a schedule, costs and lodging, etc. It is all coming together...slowly but surely. I hope that it goes well and we don't run into any problems.
Praises: not working tomorrow, Jon's job, my folks coming soon, Girls Night Out
Prayer Requests: YEC, Jon's dad (sick bad with the flu/dehydrated), Jon's preaching on Sunday, safe travels, work, our family, difficulties with our neighbors
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