Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Ultrasound, Finally!

Well, an update finally arrives! I'm at work today so my mom is updating my blog for anyone who looks at it. We had our ultrasound yesterday and good news, we have a healthy baby!! All the measurements were great and the baby weighs 13 ounces, just shy of a lb. -- which is a just perfect weight. Oh and the baby was kicking during the test too. And we even got to see it yawn. It was awesome!!

The baby has its legs crossed and the cord was going down inbetween the legs, so the tech wouldn't even guess what it was. She said, "Your guess is as good as mine." So it remains a mystery if we have a baby boy or a baby girl. We wanted to know but, apparently the baby --- and perhaps the Lord --- have other plans. The best part, we get to mull over and think about a girl's and a boy's name! And for the planner in me, I like that part.

So bring on the yellow and green baby goodies! I'm not a huge fan of either, but there will be plenty of time to get the pinks or the blues after baby is born. Thanks for all prayers! More updates to come as soon as we get one.

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