Thursday, October 2, 2008

36 1/2 weeks preggo

So I had my 36 week appointment and I am 1 1/2 cm dilated and 1/2 way effaced (thinned out). And she could feel the baby's head and tell that he is head down, ready to be born!! So we still have 23 days until our "official" due date but it could be any day or another month! Comforting, huh. Anyway, folks had mentioned that overall, I haven't had many preggo pics. Well this is 9 months pregnant and counting!

here is some of my fall decor. Happy Fall Ya'll!!

a pic of the living room, with our new pack-n-play. Getting ready for baby!!! Oh and I loved decorating for fall!

my little scarecrow...or as I like to call it, my little hay man!

and his wifey, the little hay lady!!

oh and we can't forget the festive napkins! i love them!!


Anonymous said...

You look GREAT!!! Beutiful and glowing! I am so Proud to have you or a sister :) CONGRATS!! I cant wait to hear your Birth story!!
LOVE YA Get soem rest!!

Donna A said...

I predict Oct. 8th....

No way you will wait until your due date.....:)