Friday, February 29, 2008

Busy days!

Does it always seem like I'm at work?? It does to me! I'm back here today and it has been a good day. Yesterday I got to leave about 30 minutes early and that was great! We had Subway for dinner and then cleaned up the house. Saturday, we are having the youth girls over for a "Girls Night Out." We will probably do a movie and dinner out and maybe a movie in and games and silly girl stuff. I should pick up some pedicure stuff and face masks. They love that stuff!!

I think I mentioned but Jon is preaching on Sunday. So we are excited about that!! Then I'm working Sun afternoon, Mon and Tuesdays and Wednesday my folks get here!!! Woo hoo! I am SOOO excited to see them! We have a busy few days planned while they are here. This weekend is gonna draggg by and then when they are here, time will flyy!!! Funny how it works that way!!!!

We are taking the youth to the Youth Evangelism Conference (YEC) in Anchorage on March 14-16th and they are so excited! I'm working out a schedule, costs and lodging, etc. It is all coming together...slowly but surely. I hope that it goes well and we don't run into any problems.

Praises: not working tomorrow, Jon's job, my folks coming soon, Girls Night Out
Prayer Requests: YEC, Jon's dad (sick bad with the flu/dehydrated), Jon's preaching on Sunday, safe travels, work, our family, difficulties with our neighbors

Monday, February 25, 2008


At work and finishing up some last minute charting. I will be glad to get home and get some much needed sleep. I should've gone to bed much earlier last night! :0)

Work was stressful today but I'm glad that I'm going home. I'm back Thurs and Friday and I'm sure that those days will be better. Wednesday is laundry day and tomorrow is "Chill" Day! I can't wait to sleep in and just play catch up. Oh actually, I'm doing out taxes. Big fun, huh.

It snowed last night and this morning! There is snow on the trees and it was 2 inches, just enough to cover up all the grey and black snow left over from the melting of 40 degrees above weather last week. So it is a winter wonderland and I love it. My folks will be up here to visit on the 5th and I can't wait!!!!!!

Praises: Natalie is out of the ICU, what a miracle!! snow, a visit from home soon
Prayer Requests: my Pap's health, family, traveling mercies for my folks, work

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Friends and Fellowship

Its Saturday and I'm at work this afternoon. I will have a busy afternoon so I'm enjoying a free moment to write this morning. I had a few days off work, which I really enjoyed. Our friends, Luke & Charity and their son, Wrangall, came in Wednesday night and stayed until this morning. We did some shopping, had a caribou roast one night and played a mean game of Scrabble. I lost :0( But it was fun to hang out with friends our age and Wrangall was a hoot. He can make a "meow" sound and a "grr" for what a bear says. He has 6 teeth and walks around everywhere!! He especially loves my cupboards, where he was getting out tomato soup cans and pretending to drink and dragging a bag of chocolate chips around the house. Oh and the magnets on the fridge were also a hit. It was fun to have a little one in the house too!

Youth on Wednesday night was good. We only had three of our kids, but we had a good talk about faith, focusing on Abraham and Sarah having their first son at ages 90 and 100 years old. Can you imagine!?!!? We played soccer outside in the snow, with the lunar eclipse, cuz it was 40 degrees above zero. What a treat!!

It is back to +10 to -10, which is good. I am hoping for some snow soon. The countdown has begun until my folks are coming into town! I am so excited to see them! And to show them around "our world."

Praises: my Pap is home from the hospital, good youth, good fellowship with the Walkers
Prayer requests: snow!! Jon's sermon prep, 90 day biblestudy, youth, our family

Monday, February 18, 2008

Super Sunday!

Early monday morning and I'm at work. I wasn't scheduled to work but I knew they would need staff, so I signed up to work extra. I have a class on Thurs-Fri and I would have ended up about 6 hours short. So I'm not actually on overtime but I'm making sure I get a decent paycheck. We are busy so I'm fine with being here.

We had a Spaghetti Feed as a fundraiser for the church youth group yesterday. We had a good turnout, about 50 people and we made over $400!!! So that is awesome! The kids brought in the food, helped make it, set the tables, decorated, and cleaned up. They even brought in Valentine's candy as door prizes. We had a love offering to raise $$ to send the youth to a conference in Anchorage in March. It was a great success!

On Sunday afternoon, Jon and I visited with his bro/sis and their girls. Then, we went snowmachining. I rode Jon's brother, Dan's sled, and Jon rode his John Deere. I drove it safely (i.e. 20-30 miles/hr) and yes, I was wearing a helmet. Then me and Jon rode together and we exceeded 80 miles/hr (and yes, I was scared out of my stinking mind!!!) Jon has been riding them since he was 8 years old. This was my first time to ride one over 20 miles/hr. So I need to ride them more, get more comfortable and not be such a scaredy cat. But we did have fun! It was 20 above and beautiful out!!!

I have a staff meeting tomorrow at 0745. Ugg. Then I will spend the day cleaning up around the house. Wednesday is laundry day. I have class Thurs-Fri at work from 830-430. We are having company, Luke & Charity, over on Wed and Thurs night so that will be fun to visit with them. I have to work on Saturday (yuk) but I am looking forward to a relaxing Sunday.

Prayer requests: Natalie, my Pap, work, travel, Jon's preaching in 2 weeks, youth group
Praises: my folks are visiting in 2 weeks!!, youth meal going great, my Pap doing much better, our friends, Josh/Sara had a little baby boy, Caleb, this weekend, warmer weather

Friday, February 15, 2008

Happy "late" Valentine's Day!


I got a lovely necklace earlier this month from my hubby. And last night, when we got home, I had flower (lillies and roses) and some candles (i love them) and a lovely (make me cry) card. My husband is the best!!!

SoI finally update, two weeks later! Which tells you how busy life has been. Work has been very busy. The heart cath lab has been giving us lots of patients. They aren't too sick so they are a pleasure to take care of. I am ready to have a few days off. And I do! I have Saturday - Wednesday off! Well, a staff meeting is on Tuesday morning at 0745! That is torture!! But otherwise, I'm looking forward to a few days off.

Last week, it was -50 for four mornings. O-M-G!! Wayyyy too cold! It has warmed up and is now around zero. It was a nice drive in but now it is snowing like a fiend! I hope we get 20 inches!! But I will settle for as much as we get and hopefully it will be nice for snowmachining this weekend!!!

We had a superbowl party with the youth group, which was a great time. Youth continues to go well. We learned about Ruth and commitment this week. The kids are also learning memory verses and doing well, so far. We are having a spaghetti feed this Sunday after church as a fundraiser for the trip we are taking in March. The Baptist Youth Evangelism Conference is in March in Anchorage and we are taking a car load of kids for a Fri-Sun of conference and fun! They are so excited and we are working out the details.

We are still reading through the "Bible in 90 days." Jon is doing better than me and I'm a few days behind right now. I need to do some speed reading and catch up! I have already learned a few things and have been refreshed of stories that I had heard before. It has also been good to read together some too.

Continue to pray for Natalie, the little girl who I had asked prayers for. She isn't doing well right now and I don't know what the future looks like for her. Also, my Pap is back in the hospital since last weekend. I guess he is doing better today but he has many lung and heart problems that the doctors are working on.

This weekend, we are going out to eat for valentine's day and I have a lot of baking to do for the spaghetti feed cuz I'm in charge of desserts!! Should be another good weekend! Oh and I'm looking forward to a Sunday afternoon N-A-P!!!!

Praises: talked to my Grandma on the phone, work is busy, safety on the roads, warmer weather, a few days off, youth group
Prayer requests: youth group, spaghetti feed, my Pap, Natalie, finances, safety on the roads