Friday, October 31, 2008

Still waiting on baby...

Still no baby...

But life in Ak goes on. We have had a good week. I've been mostly just trying to stay busy since I was done with my shifts at work. Wednesday night, we had already planned for youth group to be canceled so we went to an Ice Dogs hockey game with Jon's brother and his girlfriend. It was my first hockey game since going to a highschool game in Glennallen. This one was much better because it was inside (the games in Glennallen, you just stand outside and watch them...freezing your tail off) and there was a snack bar :0) The home team won and we had a good time.

Thursday, I spent the day cleaning up around the house and baking sugar cookies. Jon and I went to the hospital to visit a lady in our church who had surgery. We had a good visit and then came home and decorated cookies. Orange frosting with black/orange sprinkles were my favorites! We are planning to take some out to Jon's neices later this weekend for halloween, figuring they have enough candy for now. Tonight Jon is finishing up at work and then we are headed out to eat at Brewsters, Jon's favorite. Then, we got some more free tickets so we are going to another hockey game. Hopefully our team will win again! And hopefully baby comes tonight or tomorrow!!

If not, we are looking forward to a quiet Saturday to sleep in. Sunday will be church and I have a dr. appointment on Monday. So if baby doesn't come on his own, we are going to talk about helping him (i.e. induction) sometime early next week. He is kicking me as I write this. He must know I'm talking about him!!

Keep the prayers coming!!! Baby news soon! (I hope!!)

Monday, October 27, 2008

Baby's Nursery

Some pictures from around the house of the space we made for baby. In our room, his "corner" with his bassinett and some toys!

his bassinett...just waiting for his arrival!!

another pic of his space in our room.

kaden's room!!

his crib and changing table...

another pic of the nursery...

his diaper bag, all ready to go!!

all his fun clothes!

a shelf with diapers and stuffed animals!


Pumpkin Carving Fun!

Time for pumkin carving at the Grant house!

Jon had to use the biggest knife that he could find...haha

such pretty pumkins!

but soon to be dead pumpkins...

carving out the inside goo. yuk.

the finished products! jon's is the scary one!!

Officially overdue!

So here we are, one day past our due date! It has snowed all last week and it is beautiful out. Like a typical pregnant lady, it was nearly zero out and I didn't have a coat on. It was a fun Sunday together, even with baby hiding out inside my tummy still.

yep, still pregnant...

Saturday, October 25, 2008

One Day Until Our Due Date!!!

I think that it is going to come and pass. I'm still having some contractions but they are very irregular and don't hurt ... and not many. So, I think that we'll be spending the weekend together, without baby's arrival. But, things can change quickly so we'll update when anything exciting happens. I have adoctor's appointment on Monday, where she will check me, and we'll come up with a plan for induction if I don't deliver on my own sometime soon. So one countdown is nearly over and I guess the "overdue" countdown has begun.

As for the weekend, we are making plans to keep busy. Tomorrow's plan is to sleep in and make a quick trip to Sam's Club. I want to see a movie so I think we'll try to catch one in the afternoon or evening. I might even con the hubby into taking me out to eat in "due date" celebration. Then, we are going to carve our pumpkins! We had fun doing it last year and since we might be busy with baby next week, I think this weekend will be a good time. Sunday is church and hopefully just a nap. Maybe we can finish up our pumpkins or I can make a pie or muffins with the insides of the pumpkins. Oh, and I'm thinking that if we "make plans" to do things, baby will arrive and break them!

Speaking of plans, my nursing supervisor just brought me two free hockey tickets. So, we are going to a hockey game on Wednesday night. If I'm in labor, I guess we'll be giving the tix away, but I'm hoping we get to go! :0) Keep us in your prayers, especially baby's safety. Also we are working on childcare, which is also a prayer concern. Will update you with pics and info on baby as soon as he comes! Hopefully soon!!

(Yes, this was posted a day late...Grandma didn't get Kaden's update posted on Friday, but on Saturday!)

Sunday, October 19, 2008

1 week till due date!

Can you believe it?? It is one week until our due date, October 25th. I am feeling a few contractions this weekend. Not enough to time or enough to make me uncomfortable so this could go along for quite awhile, I think. Work kicked my butt this weekend. I think that I get tired easier lately. Could be the 5 trips to the bathroom every night. The kid loves to sit on my bladder, making it quite small. But we are doing well. Me, Jon and baby are all doing well. Can't wait until he is here with us! Continue to keep us in your prayers!!!

pic from tonight, 39 weeks pregnant

me and the cute!! he got a hott haircut for me and baby!

the strawberry rhubarb pie that jon made me last weekend. awww!

Monday, October 13, 2008

38 weeks

It is officially winter here! The leaves are 90% off the trees and we have had snow on the ground for more than 2 weeks. It was warm on Friday and most of the melted, but it snowed Saturday night. We woke up to nearly 4 inches of snow on Sunday morning. I worked over the weekend and got off early on Saturday. My hubby took me out to eat, which was quite a treat. And we rented "Iron Man." Pretty good actually. Sunday was church and then we had lunch with Jon's folks and his neices. And then Jon took me Christmas shopping.

They say when you are pregnant that you "nest" and clean up all around the house. I've been keeping the house "clean" but no excessive cleaning so far. What I have been excited about is Christmas. I've made our xmas list and we've got 50% of the shopping done. I've even got bunch of presents wrapped! I know, it is October but I've been having fun!

The pregnancy continues to go well. 38 weeks as of Sunday and baby is doing good. I have a doctor's appointment on Wednesday and she'll check me to see if I'm any closer to labor. In the meantime, I'm due Oct 25th and that is two weeks away! So we just ask that you pray for us and pray that baby will stay safe. More updates to come!!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

36 1/2 weeks preggo

So I had my 36 week appointment and I am 1 1/2 cm dilated and 1/2 way effaced (thinned out). And she could feel the baby's head and tell that he is head down, ready to be born!! So we still have 23 days until our "official" due date but it could be any day or another month! Comforting, huh. Anyway, folks had mentioned that overall, I haven't had many preggo pics. Well this is 9 months pregnant and counting!

here is some of my fall decor. Happy Fall Ya'll!!

a pic of the living room, with our new pack-n-play. Getting ready for baby!!! Oh and I loved decorating for fall!

my little scarecrow...or as I like to call it, my little hay man!

and his wifey, the little hay lady!!

oh and we can't forget the festive napkins! i love them!!